My Transformation
I get ALOT of questions how I went
From this guy...(Sorry for the quality, it's a picture of a picture, I need a scanner)

To this...(Not the best pic, but it'll do)

To this...(Not the best pic, but it'll do)
This guy (Better pic)
To this guy (I really need to take a new pic...)
I thought I'd lay down just some of the basic things I did and why I did it.
I had just turned 32, I was smoking 2 packs a day, with cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco in there as well, I was eating fast food EVERYDAY, eating a large bag of potato chips EVERYDAY, I was having chest pains and going to the emergency room way too often, doctors where telling me I was on the verge of morbidly obese, I was in constant back pain from a car accident, I couldn't shovel a driveway or run around a ball field, I was quickly heading for 300 on the scale and then I found out my wife was pregnant. That changed everything right there... I knew if I didn't change right then, that day, that I would NEVER see my son grow up, and I wanted to be there for him more than anything in the world. So that's WHY I did it, how did I do it? I started to clean up my diet and joined a gym right away, and over the past 2 years I've spent countless hours researching foods, exercise and trying everything I could find and after all that time here's what I've discovered works for me. (These are all things you could find in most health magazines.) HOW YOU LOOK IS AT LEAST 80% + DIET! I don't mean starving yourself "diet", I mean the type, quality and quantity of food you put into your mouth. Even bodybuilders agree it's all in your diet. Workout everyday for 8 hours but eat 5 super meals at MacDonald's everyday and you're still gonna be fat. Everyone thinks diet is a joke when they start working out, but guys like Brad Pitt, The Rock, and Stallone, all have insanely strict diets that trainers make up for them. They aren't going out and eating cheeseburgers. STOP EATING GARBAGE! No brain-er here. Eat as many whole foods (unprocessed as you can) and avoid trans fats at all costs! My diet consists of a lot of whole oats, tuna, chicken breasts, brown rice, natural peanut butter and whey powder. EAT SIX OR SEVEN MEALS A DAY! Honestly, sure they might not be 1,000 calorie meals, but I'm eating at least 6 meals a day, usually each is about 250 to 350 calories. A cup of oats, 1/2 cup of milk and a scoop of whey comes in at under 350 calories and is a perfectly sound nutritious breakfast and is VERY filling. A can of tuna on a toasted plain whole wheat English muffin is a good mid-morning snack. But why eat so many times? It keeps your metabolism running on high gear, which eats fat. KNOW HOW MUCH YOU ARE EATING! Everyone knows how much gas is their car and what type of gas to put in it, why don't most people even have a clue how much they are eating or what they are putting in their mouths? Join and track your food, calories, fat, carbs and protein for FREE. I've met professional bodybuilders online that use it, it's that cool. CARBS ARE NOT EVIL! Atkins and low-carb basically preach that carbs are evil, they aren't. Carbs are your body's energy source. I eat most my carbs in the morning, a few after working out and absolutely none after 5pm. Why none in the evening? All I'm going to do is go to bed so why would I want to load my body with energy? If the energy from carbs isn't used, your body stores it as fat, it's that simple. So I eat most my carbs pre-workout to give me energy to train hard. DON'T WORK OUT EVERYDAY! There's a shocker! OK, so I do workout almost everyday, but the trick is to allow your body rest time to repair the muscle you injure while working out. If you train your chest one day give it a day or two (or a week) before you work at it again. I'll do a chest workout Monday, a back workout on Tues, etc. Same as running and cardio. Do it one day and then rest the next. I typically lift weights 4 times a week for about 45 minutes. YOU DON'T GET ABS FROM WORKING YOUR ABS! Well, you do, but not Brad Pitt style abs. A 6-pack comes from low body fat, nothing else. I haven't worked my abs once in the last 6 months, all I've done is eat correctly. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES! Did I mention that I also have thyroid disease? Actually I have NO thyroid anymore. Doctors keep telling me I should be 500 pounds and on Oprah crying that I need Richard Simmons to help me get off my ass. Fuck that! I take responsibility for my own life and even if my body medically wants to be 500 pounds, I'm not gong to let it! KEEP A JOURNAL! Ya, I know, journals are "gay" and your a "manly man". I record my calories every day, my weight and every rep and set in any workout I do. It only takes a second between sets to jot down what I did and in 6 months time I can look and see that I've made HUGE changes in my abilities, weight etc. On a bad day it can also help to look back and see how far you've come. I'll keep working on this and adding to it...
Any specific questions ask and I'll update this with your answer.
I also just added a bunch about my diet HERE
I also just added some basics about my actual workout HERE
Gratuitous hot chick pic from the web
Good job on all of your success and thanks a bunch on the tip. I will use it to help me achieve my goals. All the best!
Hey, I recently joined Wannabebig and have started tracking my meals/activities on FitDay. I am 21 and right now I am around 290lbs and it is guys like you that prove that fitness is not just an illusion....
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