Miss Universe, Sammy Hagar and Aliens
I watch maybe an hour or 2 of TV a week, but if you surf around the net enough and post in any message boards you'll end up with the same useless info TV feeds you everyday.
So word is this morning that a Canadian won Miss Universe, and the official site confirms this. (CLICK HERE) So here she is, Miss Natalie Glebova...
Her occupation is listed as "Motivational speaker". At age 23? Right, I guess it's as good as anything to put down instead of unemployed. She actually has the ability to read upside down listed as one of her talents... honestly, that's just sad.
Funny how us Canadians always get crazy when a fellow Cannuck wins ANYTHING. We seems to be always trying to prove ourselves to the rest of the world. It's like the little kid in the back of the class saying "Me too!!" all the time. Hey, I know I'm guilty of it too. We're a cool country, we should all just relax. The rest of the world knows we're cool how come we don't? Maybe because we grow up watch American TV where we don't even exist.
After some more popping around the net, male consensus seems to be all the contestants were carbon copies of each other and honestly... She's not THAT hot. Really, you can find women as hot, if not hotter than her in everyday life. Don't believe me? Then you're simply hanging out in the wrong places.
Here's a few other contestants for eye candy... (Do a lot of them look like sisters or is it just me?)
Wait a minute, isn't it kind of conceded to claim we have the most beautiful woman in the universe? We haven't even been to mars and we're saying the gals 1,000,000,000 light years away aren't as hot as ours, and aren't even hot enough to be considered in the competition. This is the type of thing that can start intergalactic wars. When the aliens show up all pissed and want take over our world and put us into slavery it'll be because we snubbed some guys girlfriend, you just wait and see.
Which brings me to Sammy Hagar.
The lyrics in VanHalen's "Love Walks In" always bothered me. SCAN THROUGH THEM QUICKLY HERE It would seem it's a love song with all kinds of strange references to aliens.
Turns out Sammy actually believes he was abducted by aliens when he was 19 and that they downloaded his brain. (I'm not sure if the anally probed him, but more than likely) I believe this was due to the aliens not winning Miss Universe the year before. Who am I kidding? I think he's fuckin nuts! Of all the people aliens want to "download"...Sammy Hagar?
So word is this morning that a Canadian won Miss Universe, and the official site confirms this. (CLICK HERE) So here she is, Miss Natalie Glebova...
Her occupation is listed as "Motivational speaker". At age 23? Right, I guess it's as good as anything to put down instead of unemployed. She actually has the ability to read upside down listed as one of her talents... honestly, that's just sad.
Funny how us Canadians always get crazy when a fellow Cannuck wins ANYTHING. We seems to be always trying to prove ourselves to the rest of the world. It's like the little kid in the back of the class saying "Me too!!" all the time. Hey, I know I'm guilty of it too. We're a cool country, we should all just relax. The rest of the world knows we're cool how come we don't? Maybe because we grow up watch American TV where we don't even exist.
After some more popping around the net, male consensus seems to be all the contestants were carbon copies of each other and honestly... She's not THAT hot. Really, you can find women as hot, if not hotter than her in everyday life. Don't believe me? Then you're simply hanging out in the wrong places.
Here's a few other contestants for eye candy... (Do a lot of them look like sisters or is it just me?)
Wait a minute, isn't it kind of conceded to claim we have the most beautiful woman in the universe? We haven't even been to mars and we're saying the gals 1,000,000,000 light years away aren't as hot as ours, and aren't even hot enough to be considered in the competition. This is the type of thing that can start intergalactic wars. When the aliens show up all pissed and want take over our world and put us into slavery it'll be because we snubbed some guys girlfriend, you just wait and see.
Which brings me to Sammy Hagar.
The lyrics in VanHalen's "Love Walks In" always bothered me. SCAN THROUGH THEM QUICKLY HERE It would seem it's a love song with all kinds of strange references to aliens.
Turns out Sammy actually believes he was abducted by aliens when he was 19 and that they downloaded his brain. (I'm not sure if the anally probed him, but more than likely) I believe this was due to the aliens not winning Miss Universe the year before. Who am I kidding? I think he's fuckin nuts! Of all the people aliens want to "download"...Sammy Hagar?
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