
Wednesday, June 1

The Toughest sit-up, The Contender, Live Aid, The Spice Girls and Deep Throat

In my quest for new and interesting exercises this morning I came across more interesting and weird stuff.

The Janda situp is supposed to be THE ab killer. Apparently it was one of Bruce Lee's favorite exercises. You get into a normal sit-up position, but don't put your feet under anything, tighten your ass and sit-up without you feet leaving the floor. You can put your arms in front of you, crossed on your chest or behind your head depending on your strength level. DON'T JERK IT! Control the movement slowly! Enjoy the pain!

Which bring me to guys with abs, NBCs the Contender's boxers. This was my one TV show I watched for the last few months and I really got hooked. It was a great idea to try to bring back some interest in boxing but I think NBC really fucked it up. They moved it around so many times no one really knew till the last few episodes when it was going to be on.

The guys on the show where perfectly cast, most of them had never owned or even put on a suit or eaten in a real restaurant in their lives. To see them experience all this for the first time was actually heart warming. You could see that the show was not only entertaining us and giving these guys the chance to fight for a cool million, but was giving them new experiences they would keep for life.

The winner, Sergio, couldn't have been more deserving. The guy was doing it for his mom so she wouldn't have to work anymore. He had never owned a suit, never owned a vehicle of any kind and he wasn't some dumb ass fighter. The guy had read all the classics he could get his hands on and even kept books of quotes he had jotted down from every book he had read. His goal was to fight his way out of East LA to care for his family and then become a writer. And as for his fighting... He was great.

Sly and Burnett have been (apparently) very unhappy with NBCs handling of the show. Sly even said there wouldn't be anymore a few weeks ago on Larry King, but now there are talks of the Contender 2. From everything showing up in the press it doesn't look like it will be on NBC, it might even end up on cable and preliminary talks has it taking place in Europe where boxing is still huge.

Which brings me to the new Live Aid, Live Eight, Live 8 or what ever they are calling it. From what I understand it's a free concert, so it's raising no money, so it won't be feeding anyone or creating revenue for any poor countries. So what's it for? It's to bring awareness to world poverty. WHAT? Bring awareness to world poverty? Who doesn't know there is poverty in the world?

I'm a born cynic and the more I read about this thing it just seems like another one of those things where celebrities can get together on TV, say look at all the good charity work I'm doing, I feel better about my self, even though I'm stinking rich I still care about my fellow man, do all this and yet accomplish nothing and change NOTHING.

All this leads to the Spice Girls controversy. They have been talking about reforming for this Live 8. Hey, Geri's a U.N. good will ambassador, it's right up her alley. Bob Geldof had been saying he wouldn't have them at Live 8 because it was too important of a concert and shouldn't have fluffy pop acts. (Even though pop bands like A-Ha, the Scissor Sisters, Robbie Williams and Duran Duran have been involved from the start. Here's the whole list of performers) So in the last few interviews Bobby has been back peddling and it looks like we might just see a Spice Girls reunion. If they still fit in their outfits I'll be watching!

What can possible follow the Spice Girls? How about "Deep throat". Yes, after 30 some years the man they called "Deep throat" has come forward and admitted "It was me", not only that but Woodward and Bernstein have verified that this was their man.

W Mark Felt was the number 2 man at the FBI during that time and helped destroy his own President. This is interesting, we have one of the top G-men, working with the security of the nation, and supposedly working to protect the government and yet handing out classified information to a couple of reporters. If someone was caught doing this today they would be called a traitor plane and simple, but because no one liked Nixon, he's a hero. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth...

Anyway read CNN's story here.


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