
Saturday, August 20

My Transformation- The Workout

I seem to get at least one e-mail a day about my 100 lbs transformation. Now, don't get me wrong! I love hearing from people! (As a matter of fact E-mail me) I find it helps keep me going knowing that I helped inspire other people to start working out, or to loose those extra pounds etc...

A few last pictures before my first winter "bulk" since loosing the weight

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This was me at 240... I had already lost 35 pounds!!! I'm fucking HUGE even after loosing 35 pounds!! (I don't even have a neck!!)

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The most common question is what was my workout like, and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything specific about that yet. So here goes...

I usually stuck to one of 2 splits... BUT I would totally revamp and change around my routine every 6 weeks or so to keep my body guessing.

A very traditional one, usually 15 sets per workout and a strict 1 or 2 minute rest between each set. (Just depending on my goals) I know, it's a lot of volume, but I really like doing a lot of sets, it's just something you have to work up to and really enjoy.

  • Monday- Chest (standard 6-8 reps for everything)
  • Tuesday- Back
  • Wednesday- Cardio
  • Thursday- Shoulders
  • Friday- Arms/Legs
  • Weekend- rest and get one cardio session in
Or (my favorite) a push/pull heavy/light system that I really liked. Again, usually 15 sets per workout with a strict 3 minute rest on heavy days and a strict one minute rest on light days...

  • Monday- Push Heavy (3-5 reps)
  • Tuesday- Pull Heavy (3-5 reps)
  • Wednesday-Cardio
  • Thursday-Push Light (6-8 reps)
  • Friday-Pull Light (6-8 reps)
  • Weekend- Rest and get one cardio session in
The exercises- Honestly my motto was "KISS-keep it simple stupid" and I really did. All I used was DBs, a bench, a pull up bar and a dip belt. I love doing lots of volume so it was often 4 sets and maybe 3 exercises for each body part and the actual exercises changed every couple of weeks. Here's a quick list of my favorite exercises (They are all pretty standard, boring everyday stuff).

Chest- DB chest press, incline DB chest press, flies
Back- Weighted shoulder width grip pull ups, weighted close grip chin ups, Dead lifts
Shoulders- DB shoulder press, front/side/rear raises super-set
Arms- Alternate DB curls, incline seated DB curls, Chin ups, dips
Legs- Straight leg dead lift, Squats

I was always strict with my rests and my weights. I used clocks, egg timers, anything to keep my rests good. As far as the weights I lifted, I was just as strict. If my goal was 6-8 reps and I could possibly do 9 reps, the weight had to go up next time, if I couldn't do 6 full reps with good form, the weight had to be less then next time.

Cardio- First let me say I FUCKING HATE CARDIO! But, for me anyway it gave results in trying to lose weight.

I've tried every type of cardio out there! I've spent hours on elliptical machines, bikes, rowing machines, ski machines, even Tae-Bo and anything else you can imagine, but I avoided 2 exercises for way too long because they were so fucking hard... the Treadmill and skipping rope. It was a 60 year old ex-boxer with the best 6 pack I had ever seen that I used to work out with that told me to stop messing around with those "contraptions" and start doing "road work" if I wanted to drop weight. I tried it and it kicked my ass but the stubborn weight started to come off.

I would typically do cardio twice a week and usually something along this pattern. First I would do 4km as fast as I could, lower the speed to a fast walk for one minute and then do one more KM as fast as possible. After that I would switch to a modified HIIT technique that went something like this for example... 6.5 km/h for one minute, 7 km/h for one minute, 7.5 km/h for one minute, 6.5 km/h for one minute, 15 km/h for 2 minutes and back down to 6.5 to start the cycle over again. My cardio would last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on what was going on that day, if I had anything to do, if my son was napping good etc.

My Log- I logged everything! Everyday between sets I would jot down my current weight, the time of day, my calories eaten that day, my exercises, my sets, my reps everything. (I have a blank copy in Word if anyone wants a copy of the template) This has helped me so much. Comparing calories to my strength increases, the amount of protein I consume to my strength or the amount of cardio with my weight over the course of 2 years paints a very clear picture of how my body works, what it needs and what it uses. I recommend a log to EVERYONE!!!

Hope this has all helped, I've changed this since I lost all my weight and am now trying to put some muscle on my frame. Hopefully next summer I'll have 3 sets of pics: Me as an out of shape potatoe chip eating fat ass, me at 175 skinny-minnie, and me at whatever weight I end up at in the next 12 months, but with some good size on me (so I actually look like I workout) but still a low body fat percentage. We'll have to wait and see...

I'm probably forgetting something.. but just email me and I'll try to answer any questions...

Here' links to the other articles about My Transformation
My Transformation- Original post
Cutting Diet
A few more Pics

Gratuitous hot chick of the day...


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