
Saturday, July 23

Album Covers

So the current project I'm working on is about half way through and it's time to start thinking about the cover before we're recording the last solo, the last overdub or the last cymbal crash and trying to throw it together in a week or 2.

Like everything I turn to the internet for some ideas to get me thinking and this is the crap I find.... (How come I always can find the cream of the crap???)

Thank You For the Dove? PLeeease.... (Yeah, this'll get you in that hot date's pants)

First, if the content of this record isn't crazy enough ("Amazing recordings of demons speaking through people who are possessed by them") there's that great cover picture that proves it's legit and serious....

What can I say??? The graphic tricks are just too much for my mind...

It's a happy little number... "All My Friends Are Dead"... Who even sits down and says I'm gonna write a song titled "All My Friends Are Dead?" How about "All My Buddies Have Cancer"

Really, I'm speechless...

Jim Post, I Love my Life... I love it so much please dump some cold water on me to calm me down.

?????? What is "Mike" (If that's his real name) thinking

I can't even think of things to say anymore, my I.Q. has just dropped too many points...

It must be good with boots like that!

Gratuitous hot chick of the day...(Today, an album cover of course)


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