Movie Crtics Are Passe
This weekend the Fantastic Four just proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The Fantastic Four has been shit all over by every critic from here to... Well, the furthest place you can imagine and yet does $56 million in it's opening weekend. $56 million, that's more than War of The Worlds, Batman Begins, or even Star Wars Episode 3 opened with.
Once upon a time critics could literally make or break a film. If Ebert and 5 or 6 of the big critics slammed something, major theaters wouldn't even carry the film and people would actually stay away.
Today it seems critics are just part of the advertising campaign. The more they crap on it, the more the movie is in the news, and the more people that will go and see it. The movie going public just go and see whatever film is on the news the most and whatever film they are told to see by the advertising and shows like Entertainment Tonight. It's not about seeing a good movie anymore, it's about seeing the newest movie.
And the industry is complaining they are having a bad year... THE MOVIES ARE CRAP! They have created an environment where it is all about the opening weekend. Who cares if the movie is any good, just have good ads, big stars, big names, controversy, keep it in the news and make all your money the back the first weekend. This is the environment Hollywood has created for us.
Just imagine if Hollywood treated movies like they did in the 70's and 80's. Tickets are more than ever, people have more money to spend on movies than ever... Imagine a movie today lasting 52+ weeks in the theater and the insane amounts of money that would pull in. I can remember stuff like E.T., The Original Star Wars etc being in the theater for a year, and packed for a year.
No... It's all about hype, star power, the media and the opening weekend... Oh, and don't forget to get it out on DVD ASAP.
The Fantastic Four has been shit all over by every critic from here to... Well, the furthest place you can imagine and yet does $56 million in it's opening weekend. $56 million, that's more than War of The Worlds, Batman Begins, or even Star Wars Episode 3 opened with.
Once upon a time critics could literally make or break a film. If Ebert and 5 or 6 of the big critics slammed something, major theaters wouldn't even carry the film and people would actually stay away.
Today it seems critics are just part of the advertising campaign. The more they crap on it, the more the movie is in the news, and the more people that will go and see it. The movie going public just go and see whatever film is on the news the most and whatever film they are told to see by the advertising and shows like Entertainment Tonight. It's not about seeing a good movie anymore, it's about seeing the newest movie.
And the industry is complaining they are having a bad year... THE MOVIES ARE CRAP! They have created an environment where it is all about the opening weekend. Who cares if the movie is any good, just have good ads, big stars, big names, controversy, keep it in the news and make all your money the back the first weekend. This is the environment Hollywood has created for us.
Just imagine if Hollywood treated movies like they did in the 70's and 80's. Tickets are more than ever, people have more money to spend on movies than ever... Imagine a movie today lasting 52+ weeks in the theater and the insane amounts of money that would pull in. I can remember stuff like E.T., The Original Star Wars etc being in the theater for a year, and packed for a year.
No... It's all about hype, star power, the media and the opening weekend... Oh, and don't forget to get it out on DVD ASAP.
Gratuitous hot chick of the day...

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