Peter Jackson Suing New Line For Millions
I HATE when studios try to play the media and do it badly.
Peter Jackson, the director that brought the Lord Of The Rings to film is suing New Line Cinema for about $100 million in underpayment. $100 million! So how did this happen? Well Jackson got paid by taking a cut of the gross. If they movies had failed he would have got paid next to nothing, but since they did so well he should be getting his percent. Apparently New Line has been playing a bit with the figures to screw Jackson out of his pay.
New Line is so cocky they have actually said.... (And this is a quote) , "Peter Jackson is an incredible filmmaker who did the impossible on 'Lord of the Rings.' But there's a certain piggishness involved here. New Line already gave him enough money to rebuild Baghdad, but it's still not enough for him."
Sure he has gotten a lot of cash already, but a deal's a deal. This is like your boss saying, "You know. You just bought a new car, so I think you're being paid more than enough and I'm not going to pay you for the rest of the year."
So how much have they given him already? About $200 million, so they basically are trying to screw him out of 1/3 of his salary. How much have THEY made off the films so far? $4 BILLION.
Now lets be fair... Jackson gave you several years of his life and produced 3 of the biggest movies New Line will ever have and has made New Line $4,000,000,000.00 so far, and that figure will continue to grow year after year. You agreed to pay the guy a cut of the gross before a single frame was filmed. Now smarten up and pay the guy. Fair is fair, you can't change the rules half way through the game because you simply want a bigger piece of the pie you greedy bastards.
Gratuitous hor chick of the day...

Peter Jackson, the director that brought the Lord Of The Rings to film is suing New Line Cinema for about $100 million in underpayment. $100 million! So how did this happen? Well Jackson got paid by taking a cut of the gross. If they movies had failed he would have got paid next to nothing, but since they did so well he should be getting his percent. Apparently New Line has been playing a bit with the figures to screw Jackson out of his pay.
New Line is so cocky they have actually said.... (And this is a quote) , "Peter Jackson is an incredible filmmaker who did the impossible on 'Lord of the Rings.' But there's a certain piggishness involved here. New Line already gave him enough money to rebuild Baghdad, but it's still not enough for him."
Sure he has gotten a lot of cash already, but a deal's a deal. This is like your boss saying, "You know. You just bought a new car, so I think you're being paid more than enough and I'm not going to pay you for the rest of the year."
So how much have they given him already? About $200 million, so they basically are trying to screw him out of 1/3 of his salary. How much have THEY made off the films so far? $4 BILLION.
Now lets be fair... Jackson gave you several years of his life and produced 3 of the biggest movies New Line will ever have and has made New Line $4,000,000,000.00 so far, and that figure will continue to grow year after year. You agreed to pay the guy a cut of the gross before a single frame was filmed. Now smarten up and pay the guy. Fair is fair, you can't change the rules half way through the game because you simply want a bigger piece of the pie you greedy bastards.
Gratuitous hor chick of the day...

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