Childhood Obestity
In the US 13% of children are obese. Not fat, obese. Obesity is well beyond, "chubby", "fat" or "overweight". Obese is when it becomes a serious health problem. For comparison sake, 30% of US adults are obese, but 65+% are overweight or obese.
Oh, the humanity... how did this happen to our children?
How do you think it happened? A 3, 5 or even 10 year old only has one source of food, MOM and DAD. Parents are feeding their kids crap! Here's one for ya, 23-25% of children are eating french fries once a day and most parents count fries as a vegetable. The average 2 year old eats as many servings of french fries as the average teenager.
This leads to crap like this... - Plan to train kids about eating healthy. "Plan to train your kids?" What the fuck did you think you were going to have to do when you had kids? That they would learn everything they needed to know on their own?
Parking your kid in front of a TV with a box of cookies is not being a parent, it boarders on abuse. If you don't want the responsibility of raising a child, DON'T HAVE ONE!
My kid is a year and a 1/2 and his favorite foods are chicken, fish, cheese, spaghetti and yogurt. He asks for most of these by name. Why would he ever need to have a french fry? Not only that, but he already knows at least 1/2 his alphabet. How? Maybe the fact that he's only ever seen 2 hours of TV in his life and isn't being distracted by the boob tube all the time. He gets more excited to get his letters out than his crayons.
I could go on and on about this one, but my buddy is starting to wake up and we've got a busy day ahead. A breakfast of fruit, toast and milk, then off to feed (more like "chase") the ducks at the park and then back to play in the yard all day.
So it seems I'm up on kind of a high horse ending this one... Do I think I'm better than most parents? When I read stats like the ones above and see 400 lbs mothers buying entire shopping carts full or Oreos (I've actually seen this more than once) and then hear both the mother and child complain about having to walk to the car... Yeah, I think I'm better than a lot of parents out there. I might not be the best, but I'm doing my best.
Gratuitous hot chick pic (I'm sure she would agree with me)
Oh, the humanity... how did this happen to our children?
How do you think it happened? A 3, 5 or even 10 year old only has one source of food, MOM and DAD. Parents are feeding their kids crap! Here's one for ya, 23-25% of children are eating french fries once a day and most parents count fries as a vegetable. The average 2 year old eats as many servings of french fries as the average teenager.
This leads to crap like this... - Plan to train kids about eating healthy. "Plan to train your kids?" What the fuck did you think you were going to have to do when you had kids? That they would learn everything they needed to know on their own?
Parking your kid in front of a TV with a box of cookies is not being a parent, it boarders on abuse. If you don't want the responsibility of raising a child, DON'T HAVE ONE!
My kid is a year and a 1/2 and his favorite foods are chicken, fish, cheese, spaghetti and yogurt. He asks for most of these by name. Why would he ever need to have a french fry? Not only that, but he already knows at least 1/2 his alphabet. How? Maybe the fact that he's only ever seen 2 hours of TV in his life and isn't being distracted by the boob tube all the time. He gets more excited to get his letters out than his crayons.
I could go on and on about this one, but my buddy is starting to wake up and we've got a busy day ahead. A breakfast of fruit, toast and milk, then off to feed (more like "chase") the ducks at the park and then back to play in the yard all day.
So it seems I'm up on kind of a high horse ending this one... Do I think I'm better than most parents? When I read stats like the ones above and see 400 lbs mothers buying entire shopping carts full or Oreos (I've actually seen this more than once) and then hear both the mother and child complain about having to walk to the car... Yeah, I think I'm better than a lot of parents out there. I might not be the best, but I'm doing my best.
Gratuitous hot chick pic (I'm sure she would agree with me)

Hi Geeper, Out surfing for information on kids obesity & happened upon your site. While Childhood Obestity wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.
Do you think h5n1 flu is going to be a problem ?
I heard it would hit USA & Canada this fall.
Is there anything to the h5n1 flu panic ?
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