
Monday, September 11

Terry Fox Run Update #5

Last week I put roughly 40KMs on my sneakers... Ouch... My Saturday run was pretty strong, I actually did 11KMs non-stop, in an hour and 10 minutes. For the next week all I have to do is stay relatively healthy and not get hurt, pull anything etc, and the race should be good.

It's Monday, but I'm still up in the air as to how I should train this week. Most runner's web sites have the week before a race as almost a relaxing week with one or 2 shorts runs. BUT, my instincts are telling me to run at least 5K Monday and Wednesday, a short one on Friday, rest Saturday and then race on Sunday. And knowing me, there will be weight lifting sessions in between all those runs. I don't know what it is, but if I don't run almost every day I start to loose my cardio conditioning pretty quick, two days off and my breathing just isn't right.

We're also up to $85 in donations now... There's a few last minute ringers I'll see this week so we'll see where the final total ends up.

That's about it for today, I'll keep you updated....


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