Well, I've been doing this blogging thingy for just over a year, and if you drop by even once a month you've probably noticed I've slowed down A LOT in my posts lately.
Have I run out of topics... Well, no... Far from it. I've actually got a folder with over a hundred little ideas started. Things as varied as evidence of Goliath (a la "David and Goliath"), to more motivational crap, to secrets from the recording of VanHalen's first album, my current diet/regime, political stuff, Playmates being Hef's slaves... Just a ton a varied things that I thought were cool or interesting.
Well, is it because no one reads this thing.... AH NO. Almost the opposite. Too many friends, family and acquaintances read this thing and I find myself "self censoring" constantly, and I HATE not speaking my mind 100%. "Polite restraint" has turned into blandness, boring topics and vanilla posts. I have a folder full of half finished topics and posts, things I'm passionate about or that REALLY piss me off that I just can't finish or post because they would just piss off folks I know in the real world. I can't even say what the topics are without certain individuals knowing who or what I'm talking about and offending them right away. Now honestly, I don't give a flying fuck if ANYONE (well, OK.. there are a few) of these folks I might offend ever talked to ME again, but it would hurt my wife and son quite a bit indirectly.
The biggest reason I'm done is the time it takes to put together a post and find a hot chick. Sure it might only take an hour on a good day, but that's an hour I can spend much better. My time is pretty valuable anyway, I'm VERY involved with my son and wife. I don't even have time to turn on a radio or TV most days. Most days it's a challenge just to squeeze in my 45 minute workout. (Great example of what I was saying in the last paragraph ... this paragraph has been totally self censored, cutting out rants about raising kids, TV, quality time, importance of family over all else, wasting time, wasting life...)
So after a little over a year...
After 25,000 visitors...
After 1,000's of emails... (mostly positive, but a few threatening ones)
After 150+ posts... (and Hot chicks!)
It's time to take a break...
Who knows... maybe I'll be back sooner than I think...
There's a link to the right if you are looking for my original transformation.....
Thanks for the memories... (and threatening emails....)
Have I run out of topics... Well, no... Far from it. I've actually got a folder with over a hundred little ideas started. Things as varied as evidence of Goliath (a la "David and Goliath"), to more motivational crap, to secrets from the recording of VanHalen's first album, my current diet/regime, political stuff, Playmates being Hef's slaves... Just a ton a varied things that I thought were cool or interesting.
Well, is it because no one reads this thing.... AH NO. Almost the opposite. Too many friends, family and acquaintances read this thing and I find myself "self censoring" constantly, and I HATE not speaking my mind 100%. "Polite restraint" has turned into blandness, boring topics and vanilla posts. I have a folder full of half finished topics and posts, things I'm passionate about or that REALLY piss me off that I just can't finish or post because they would just piss off folks I know in the real world. I can't even say what the topics are without certain individuals knowing who or what I'm talking about and offending them right away. Now honestly, I don't give a flying fuck if ANYONE (well, OK.. there are a few) of these folks I might offend ever talked to ME again, but it would hurt my wife and son quite a bit indirectly.
The biggest reason I'm done is the time it takes to put together a post and find a hot chick. Sure it might only take an hour on a good day, but that's an hour I can spend much better. My time is pretty valuable anyway, I'm VERY involved with my son and wife. I don't even have time to turn on a radio or TV most days. Most days it's a challenge just to squeeze in my 45 minute workout. (Great example of what I was saying in the last paragraph ... this paragraph has been totally self censored, cutting out rants about raising kids, TV, quality time, importance of family over all else, wasting time, wasting life...)
So after a little over a year...
After 25,000 visitors...
After 1,000's of emails... (mostly positive, but a few threatening ones)
After 150+ posts... (and Hot chicks!)
It's time to take a break...
Who knows... maybe I'll be back sooner than I think...
There's a link to the right if you are looking for my original transformation.....
Thanks for the memories... (and threatening emails....)
Gratuitous Hot Chick

HUMM, maybe I'll start up another site under an alias, totally anonymous, and write what ever the fuck I want to, about anyone I want to.... hummmmm... with NUDE chicks!
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