Since finding BodyBuilding.com I've had to put up with Louis Dorman.
Who's Louis Dorman? Well, some guy who went from 250lbs (which is not even THAT big) to some fit guy who had a great six-pack. Sounds a bit like my story eh? So why did he drive me nuts? Simply because the guy is a joke and has a horrible attitude.
In EVERY article he wrote for BB.com (and there are tons of them) he just went on and on about how to get chicks, how many chicks he could get now that he was skinny, how to impress chicks, that he was skinny dipping everyday with fitness models, how to let women know you are in charge, how to let women know YOU have chosen them, that you should use $100's of supplements a week to get in shape, that you should get enemas to lose weight, that skin creams would take away loose skin from massive weight loss, how to be powerful with women, that healthy attractive people had the duty and right and have children with other healthy attractive people... just bullshit article after bullshit article.
He claimed he was in his early 20's but the articles seemed like they were written by 13 year old boys... Very little was about weight loss, there was more about "pimpin" and being cool now that he wasn't a fatty anymore.
Then he became the weight loss expert for BB.com and was even used for full page ads for the site. It really bothered me that they were using someone with a 14 year old's mentality to promote the site, but I figured that might be their target audience and would definitely be an age group that would by tons of supplements.
Granted, he did lose weight, good for him... but the crap he would write in the articles... man...
He even contacted me at one point. He wanted to featured me on his own site he had started up. I looked into it and just flat out refused. I didn't want to be associated with this guy's attitude at all and it seemed he was mostly running the site to promote himself, push products, and earn referrals or commissions with supplement companies.
So anyway, this popped up on a forum this week...
The first image is the original, the second a photoshop creation or edit. It turns out that Louis has a degree in graphic arts. It also turns out that THIS IS THE ONLY PICTURE EVER TAKEN IN 3 YEARS OF LOUIS WITHOUT A SHIRT. Go ahead Google it, there's no other shirtless pics of this guy anywhere. Watch the muscle appear on his neck, forearm, biceps, the 6 pack appear etc. There is a lot of work done to the photo.
Louis has kept his head down during all of this and has only given one statement...
Many have called him out on this... All he has to do is whip off his shirt and take a few dozen pictures and it would end all this. But of course he hasn't... wonder why.... sucks to be a fraud.
Who's Louis Dorman? Well, some guy who went from 250lbs (which is not even THAT big) to some fit guy who had a great six-pack. Sounds a bit like my story eh? So why did he drive me nuts? Simply because the guy is a joke and has a horrible attitude.
In EVERY article he wrote for BB.com (and there are tons of them) he just went on and on about how to get chicks, how many chicks he could get now that he was skinny, how to impress chicks, that he was skinny dipping everyday with fitness models, how to let women know you are in charge, how to let women know YOU have chosen them, that you should use $100's of supplements a week to get in shape, that you should get enemas to lose weight, that skin creams would take away loose skin from massive weight loss, how to be powerful with women, that healthy attractive people had the duty and right and have children with other healthy attractive people... just bullshit article after bullshit article.
He claimed he was in his early 20's but the articles seemed like they were written by 13 year old boys... Very little was about weight loss, there was more about "pimpin" and being cool now that he wasn't a fatty anymore.
Then he became the weight loss expert for BB.com and was even used for full page ads for the site. It really bothered me that they were using someone with a 14 year old's mentality to promote the site, but I figured that might be their target audience and would definitely be an age group that would by tons of supplements.
Granted, he did lose weight, good for him... but the crap he would write in the articles... man...
He even contacted me at one point. He wanted to featured me on his own site he had started up. I looked into it and just flat out refused. I didn't want to be associated with this guy's attitude at all and it seemed he was mostly running the site to promote himself, push products, and earn referrals or commissions with supplement companies.
So anyway, this popped up on a forum this week...
The first image is the original, the second a photoshop creation or edit. It turns out that Louis has a degree in graphic arts. It also turns out that THIS IS THE ONLY PICTURE EVER TAKEN IN 3 YEARS OF LOUIS WITHOUT A SHIRT. Go ahead Google it, there's no other shirtless pics of this guy anywhere. Watch the muscle appear on his neck, forearm, biceps, the 6 pack appear etc. There is a lot of work done to the photo.
Louis has kept his head down during all of this and has only given one statement...
This is getting out of hand. As i have said before. The weight loss is real, the photo was highlighted and cropped from a new photo of mine. Since I (have) few photos to choose from to do the ads.
SO he admits it was "highlighted and cropped". Well, I would say it was a little more work than that... Then a few photoshop experts started looking at ALL the pictures of Dorman. Of course, in all the rest he was clothed, but they are all obviously photoshopped to make him look more muscular. And people who saw him for real at the last Arnold Expo (he was working signing autographs at the BB.com booth) said he was wearing 2 t-shirts and a blazer while everyone else was walking around in tanks and muscle shirts. He was simply hiding under layers of clothes.
Why fraud like this bothers me the most, is because it puts doubt in everyone's heads. People have always seen my transformation and questioned how real it is, now they will question it twice as much. I get emails from a lot of other people who bust their asses and actually do what Dorman did all the time and now people will think they are faking it. It will also give ammo to people who claim no one can really lose weight and end up looking good, even the BB.com poster boy couldn't really do it.Many have called him out on this... All he has to do is whip off his shirt and take a few dozen pictures and it would end all this. But of course he hasn't... wonder why.... sucks to be a fraud.
Gratuitous Hot Chick

Louis Dorman is such a loser. I don't understand why he just does not post some new pictures. The only reason I can think of is that he must be in really terrible shape.
I checked out your transformation. Good job. Keep up the good work.
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