Do You Have A List Of Things To Do Before You Die?
This question popped up on one of the fitness forums I follow and it got me thinking about it. It's really a good question people should ask themselves quite often. And I don't mean a list you post on your fridge and you look at everyday (although that might be a good idea) but a mental list of things you really want to do with your life before you go. Things you want to try. Things you want to learn. Things you want to see.
Here's a few examples that popped up on the forum from other members...
Learn to surf
Visit Greece
Join the Peace Corps
Stay at the Ice Hotel
Skydive (this was a popular one)
Start my own business
Travel the world
Learn french
Save someones life
See the ocean
Raise a family
Visit Europe
Get a million bucks then do two chicks at the same time (There were a lot of lesbian sex orgy ones, but this was the funniest and cleanest one)
Visit Vegas
Become a Pilot
Clime a very large mountain
I never think I've done much with my life till I start thinking in terms of these types of lists and then I'm always surprised at what I have done and how many dreams of mine I have fulfilled. One of the few things I haven't done yet that I always wanted to do is visit Europe for a couple of weeks or months. It'll happen, but I want to wait til my son is older and can remember and enjoy it with me.
So I ask YOU... Do YOU have a list of things to do before YOU die? And if so, why the fuck are you sitting there reading these stupid ramblings of a guy with the IQ of a bread box and not working towards those goals? Accomplishments don't "just happen", you have to put some time and effort into anything that is worth while.
The problem (well, one of the problems) with people today is everyone thinks they are going to live forever. Have you ever talked to a nurse who has worked in an ICU unit or palliative care unit? They will tell you stories of people just mental devastated that they aren't going to be able to do certain things they wanted to do before they die. People today waste time watching TV and playing video games thinking that someday they'll get to those things they really want to do when really the time they have to work towards those goals is disappearing right in front of them every second...
I could go on and on, but the people wasting time will never admit it to themselves or change their ways til it is too late... and that's sad for them. Do I wish someone had grabbed me, given me a good shake and brought me to my senses years and years ago? Yes. But would I have listened at the time? Probably not...
"Seize the day"
I had a tattoo in mind for my next one (it's been years since my last one) but I think "Carpi Diem" may be the next one. It's really represents who I am today and it's a good message for my son to learn and see everyday as he grows up.
Here's a few examples that popped up on the forum from other members...
Learn to surf
Visit Greece
Join the Peace Corps
Stay at the Ice Hotel
Skydive (this was a popular one)
Start my own business
Travel the world
Learn french
Save someones life
See the ocean
Raise a family
Visit Europe
Get a million bucks then do two chicks at the same time (There were a lot of lesbian sex orgy ones, but this was the funniest and cleanest one)
Visit Vegas
Become a Pilot
Clime a very large mountain
I never think I've done much with my life till I start thinking in terms of these types of lists and then I'm always surprised at what I have done and how many dreams of mine I have fulfilled. One of the few things I haven't done yet that I always wanted to do is visit Europe for a couple of weeks or months. It'll happen, but I want to wait til my son is older and can remember and enjoy it with me.
So I ask YOU... Do YOU have a list of things to do before YOU die? And if so, why the fuck are you sitting there reading these stupid ramblings of a guy with the IQ of a bread box and not working towards those goals? Accomplishments don't "just happen", you have to put some time and effort into anything that is worth while.
The problem (well, one of the problems) with people today is everyone thinks they are going to live forever. Have you ever talked to a nurse who has worked in an ICU unit or palliative care unit? They will tell you stories of people just mental devastated that they aren't going to be able to do certain things they wanted to do before they die. People today waste time watching TV and playing video games thinking that someday they'll get to those things they really want to do when really the time they have to work towards those goals is disappearing right in front of them every second...
I could go on and on, but the people wasting time will never admit it to themselves or change their ways til it is too late... and that's sad for them. Do I wish someone had grabbed me, given me a good shake and brought me to my senses years and years ago? Yes. But would I have listened at the time? Probably not...
"Seize the day"
and seize that fucker right now
I had a tattoo in mind for my next one (it's been years since my last one) but I think "Carpi Diem" may be the next one. It's really represents who I am today and it's a good message for my son to learn and see everyday as he grows up.
Gratuitous Hot Chick

If you get that tattoo, I'd recommend having it spelled right.
I'm still trying to figure out why it is spelt "Carpi Diem" 1/2 the time and "Carpe Diem" the other 1/2...... Thoughts???
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