
Saturday, March 11

Some Random Dave Quotes

OK, OK, OK... Here's a new post. I've actually started a bunch over the last few days, but now that I know a lot of friends and family pop in from time to time, I'm getting weary to offend everyone I know with what I have to say. There's some hot topics brewing in my head, but they'll probably never see the light of day unless I decide to live like a hermit, (Which actually sounds like a good idea a lot of the time.) but that would make Christmas a drag...

So to entertain you guys popping in from all corners of the world, I give you... Some Random DAVID LEE ROTH Quotes.

I should add, Dave era Van Halen still rocks my socks off. You can just hear the party going on from the vibe of albums like "VH1", "VH2", and "Women and Children First". Actually, I was listening to the out takes from that album last week, and there WAS a part going on. They were fuckin tanked out of their minds recording that thing.

On with the quotes... remember, most of these come off the top of his head and some, when you think about them, are pretty deep...

"Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it."

"I used to have a drug problem, now I make enough money."

"I think that all the great adventures can be written on the back of a beer soaked napkin"

"Hey, your girlfriend was partying with us backstage before the show, and she had a message for ya: 'mmfp mmf umf fmff mmm.'"

"If you can't do it in a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans under one white light bulb, you can't do it!"

"A lot of people think that a VH tour is just one long orgy with a few stops on stage in between. Well, let me tell you - they're right."

"It hasn't got that much to do with ego. The world doesn't revolve around me. But I'm a competitor, not a spectator on this earth."

"Remember, life is just a game and no one gets out alive"

"The Breakfast of Champions isn't cereal, it's the competition!"

"Nothing in here is worth dying for"- message on DLR's gate

"There are two rules to living well. The first is, don't sweat the little shit. The second is, it's all little shit. In other words, it's all okay. We may be lost, but we're way ahead of schedule."

So there ya go, a few thoughts to ponder while I search around and try to figure out what mp3 thingy I'm gonna end up with for running this summer... Ipod nano? Hmmm... And figuring out what my next tat will be...hmmmm ... I've got 2 or 3 "Treat yourself to a new tattoo" type IOUs from birthdays etc for tats, + money from my last Bday and it's been WAY too long since I got a new one. I'm getting pretty excited about it. Got to start thinking and searching ...

Gratuitous Hot Chick
(Good ol' Angelina)


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