Do People REALLY Want To Lose Weight?
I've come across a few articles lately that all point to one thing, North Americans don't want to lose weight at all. Well, they wouldn't mind it if it "just happened" like winning the lottery, but if they have to do ANYTHING to actually lose weight or get healthy, they ain't gonna do it. Wait, what about the $33 billion weight loss and diet industry? It's bullshit. It's people throwing money at the problem, buying a book or joining a gym, and never following through...But at least then they can claim they tried.
Right now 2/3rds of North Americans, over 60%, the biggest slice of the pie, however you want to figure it, are overweight. 30% of those are medically obese. Please don't give me that shit about bodybuilders and athletes that might weigh in a little heavy because of muscle mass throwing that figure off. We're talking 66%+ of the total population here, take every athlete in North America who weighs in a little on the heavy side out of the figure and you're still gonna be way over 60% of the population. In 1996 the plus-size market made $24 billion, ten years later they are making $50 billion. North Americans are FAT.
So people must be trying to fix this so they can live longer and enjoy life more right? Well, that's what the media would like to make you think. Actually studies show that less than 30% of the population are exercising regularly and less than 25% of the population are dieting. Odds are, that the people exercising and dieting aren't the overweight segment of the population. You start looking at these figures and the 60% of North Americans that are overweight aren't doing anything to lose it.
There was even a more shocking survey done recently, it simply asked women honestly what they would do to be thin permanently. Would they give up dessert? 74% said no way, sweets come before looking good. Would they (hypothetically) pay a one time charge of $3,000 to be thin forever? Only 40% of the women who answered thought their health, figure and being able to fit into something smaller than a size 14 (America's average dress size) was worth the one time fee. Then, 25% of all the answers said they wouldn't do anything or give up anything to lose weight, they just didn't care.
Com'on, people eat better today and that 60% figure hasn't grown in a while... Yeah? Here's some quick facts for ya...
-The 30% of the population that is obese is growing exponentially in weight. More people might not be joining that 30%, in fact it seems to have stabilized at that figure (for this month), but that 30% are getting fatter and fatter at an amazing rate.
-People are eating more fruits and vegetables than ever... But French Fries are now considered a vegetable and potatoes, in their many fried forms, now counts for 30% of all produce consumed. French fries are the #1 vegetable for children under 5! And parents admit this in surveys! That is fuckin mind blowing! 25% of kids eat fries once a day!
-20% of the average Americans daily calories come from sugar!
-One time milk out sold pop by 2 to 1, today people drink 3 times as much pop as milk. They drink more pop than water!
-Kids aged 6-15, 20 years ago about 5% of those kids where overweight, today 15% of them are overweight.
So do folks REALLY want to lose weight? For the most part... NO. We all know what we have to do to lose it and we don't, and that's sad. It's sad 30-60% of the population can't get down on the floor to play with their kids, can't run around a ball field for an afternoon, can't touch their toes... and on and on.... it's really sad... and a really sad way to live.
People don't need a weight loss drug or program, they need a motivation. If overweight people could only know what it feels like to wake up and be healthy for a week, they would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in their power to get there and stay there. I cherish my memories of being a big fat unhealthy man, cause without them, I fear I would slip again and I would never know how good I feel today... everyday.
Right now 2/3rds of North Americans, over 60%, the biggest slice of the pie, however you want to figure it, are overweight. 30% of those are medically obese. Please don't give me that shit about bodybuilders and athletes that might weigh in a little heavy because of muscle mass throwing that figure off. We're talking 66%+ of the total population here, take every athlete in North America who weighs in a little on the heavy side out of the figure and you're still gonna be way over 60% of the population. In 1996 the plus-size market made $24 billion, ten years later they are making $50 billion. North Americans are FAT.
So people must be trying to fix this so they can live longer and enjoy life more right? Well, that's what the media would like to make you think. Actually studies show that less than 30% of the population are exercising regularly and less than 25% of the population are dieting. Odds are, that the people exercising and dieting aren't the overweight segment of the population. You start looking at these figures and the 60% of North Americans that are overweight aren't doing anything to lose it.
There was even a more shocking survey done recently, it simply asked women honestly what they would do to be thin permanently. Would they give up dessert? 74% said no way, sweets come before looking good. Would they (hypothetically) pay a one time charge of $3,000 to be thin forever? Only 40% of the women who answered thought their health, figure and being able to fit into something smaller than a size 14 (America's average dress size) was worth the one time fee. Then, 25% of all the answers said they wouldn't do anything or give up anything to lose weight, they just didn't care.
Com'on, people eat better today and that 60% figure hasn't grown in a while... Yeah? Here's some quick facts for ya...
-The 30% of the population that is obese is growing exponentially in weight. More people might not be joining that 30%, in fact it seems to have stabilized at that figure (for this month), but that 30% are getting fatter and fatter at an amazing rate.
-People are eating more fruits and vegetables than ever... But French Fries are now considered a vegetable and potatoes, in their many fried forms, now counts for 30% of all produce consumed. French fries are the #1 vegetable for children under 5! And parents admit this in surveys! That is fuckin mind blowing! 25% of kids eat fries once a day!
-20% of the average Americans daily calories come from sugar!
-One time milk out sold pop by 2 to 1, today people drink 3 times as much pop as milk. They drink more pop than water!
-Kids aged 6-15, 20 years ago about 5% of those kids where overweight, today 15% of them are overweight.
So do folks REALLY want to lose weight? For the most part... NO. We all know what we have to do to lose it and we don't, and that's sad. It's sad 30-60% of the population can't get down on the floor to play with their kids, can't run around a ball field for an afternoon, can't touch their toes... and on and on.... it's really sad... and a really sad way to live.
People don't need a weight loss drug or program, they need a motivation. If overweight people could only know what it feels like to wake up and be healthy for a week, they would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in their power to get there and stay there. I cherish my memories of being a big fat unhealthy man, cause without them, I fear I would slip again and I would never know how good I feel today... everyday.
Gratuitous Hot Chick
(Like the other 2 didn't count???)
Your absolutely right but people don't even know what a healthy diet really is. People think carbs are the devil buts that's where we get our main source of glucose(energy). i heard that the kids from the war who ate rations were very healthy because they only ate food that their bodies needed (i could be wrong about that though).
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