Radio Sucks!
I gotta say, local radio sucks. It's the same old songs everyday, day in, day out. I swear they only own a dozen records, and they're not even a dozen I like! I really like hearing local news and even the local radio personalities but the content... uhhh.
From a radio station that started it's broadcast history with Led Zepplin's "Rock N Roll" and used to play Iron Maiden and Judas Priest daily, our one and only local rock station has fallen far. I remember skipping school the day it started broadcasting. We were so excited to get a real rock station, and it actually delivered! The change from Metallica to Elton John ballads or from VanHalen (not VanHagar) to the Eagles most mellow stuff was very gradual, but it slowly happened. Sure they still throw the odd "safe" AC/DC or Guns n' Roses song on, but the amount of soft rock and CanCon crap you have to listen to hardly makes it worth it.
CanCon? 30% of all Canadian radio has to be Canadian content, so crap ass records get played just to fill this quota. We've had CanCon created stars too. Pretty shitty artists that are just average, if not below average, but get TONS of radio play just because they fill the quota and are better than playing the Guess Who for the millionth time. Oh, you like the Guess Who? Come to Canada, you'll hear them all day.
So I need a new way to hear some cool tunes, old favorites and not just the hit single off the album... I need a radio station that actually plays new songs! Imagine, new songs.... The search begins!
Obviously the first thing I think about is satellite radio. Man, that shit gets expensive! $300 for the receiver and then $15 a month. Another $300 for a "dock" that acts as a stereo. That adds up pretty fast, and with how fast technology is changing could something come along next month and destroy it? Don't get me wrong, if I had money to burn I'd have it set up this afternoon.
Maybe... Internet radio will be the satellite radio killer?
This is actually what I'm using right this second, internet radio. I'm using a trial from LIVE365.COM . There are THOUSANDS of radio stations there! I'm listening to this one in LA right now and it kicks ass. In the last 1/2 hour- Def Leppard, Autograph, Quite Riot, Judas Priest and the Crue. No talk just song after song. Not the "expected" singles. Really cool song choices. Stuff from Lep's first album, stuff from Priest brand new one, cool shit you would never hear on local radio. There's metal, blues, rap, jazz, country, you name it... just thousands of stations to choose from. Only problem, how do I listen to this on the move or in the other rooms in my house? They figure that out and they will destroy satellite radio.
So, I'll keep looking around, but now that I've been listening to this for a few days and hearing new, old and different stuff I NEVER would EVER hear on local radio I think it's gonna be next to impossible to put up with the local crap. The search continues...
Gratuitous Hot Chick
From a radio station that started it's broadcast history with Led Zepplin's "Rock N Roll" and used to play Iron Maiden and Judas Priest daily, our one and only local rock station has fallen far. I remember skipping school the day it started broadcasting. We were so excited to get a real rock station, and it actually delivered! The change from Metallica to Elton John ballads or from VanHalen (not VanHagar) to the Eagles most mellow stuff was very gradual, but it slowly happened. Sure they still throw the odd "safe" AC/DC or Guns n' Roses song on, but the amount of soft rock and CanCon crap you have to listen to hardly makes it worth it.
CanCon? 30% of all Canadian radio has to be Canadian content, so crap ass records get played just to fill this quota. We've had CanCon created stars too. Pretty shitty artists that are just average, if not below average, but get TONS of radio play just because they fill the quota and are better than playing the Guess Who for the millionth time. Oh, you like the Guess Who? Come to Canada, you'll hear them all day.
So I need a new way to hear some cool tunes, old favorites and not just the hit single off the album... I need a radio station that actually plays new songs! Imagine, new songs.... The search begins!
Obviously the first thing I think about is satellite radio. Man, that shit gets expensive! $300 for the receiver and then $15 a month. Another $300 for a "dock" that acts as a stereo. That adds up pretty fast, and with how fast technology is changing could something come along next month and destroy it? Don't get me wrong, if I had money to burn I'd have it set up this afternoon.
Maybe... Internet radio will be the satellite radio killer?
This is actually what I'm using right this second, internet radio. I'm using a trial from LIVE365.COM . There are THOUSANDS of radio stations there! I'm listening to this one in LA right now and it kicks ass. In the last 1/2 hour- Def Leppard, Autograph, Quite Riot, Judas Priest and the Crue. No talk just song after song. Not the "expected" singles. Really cool song choices. Stuff from Lep's first album, stuff from Priest brand new one, cool shit you would never hear on local radio. There's metal, blues, rap, jazz, country, you name it... just thousands of stations to choose from. Only problem, how do I listen to this on the move or in the other rooms in my house? They figure that out and they will destroy satellite radio.
So, I'll keep looking around, but now that I've been listening to this for a few days and hearing new, old and different stuff I NEVER would EVER hear on local radio I think it's gonna be next to impossible to put up with the local crap. The search continues...
Gratuitous Hot Chick

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