Good Old Geeper Brand
I'm stealing this idea from a line on another website, and I really wish I could find it again to link back to it.... Anyways...
Everything we have today, from the clothes on our backs to the food we consume has a brand name on it, and we tend to trust that those brands will always give us pretty much what we expect. MacDonalds will always give us cheap, easy, unhealthy food. Where ever we see their name it will taste exactly the same every time. Levi's will always give us traditional, hard wearing and relatively moderate priced jeans. Volkswagen will always give us a reliable car. Converse All Stars are always sized the same and last forever. And a Zippo lighter will last for generations.
So if you where a "brand"... What would the way you treat people, the way you take care of yourself, the way you live your life, the way you dress and look etc etc etc... What would all these things say to the world? Would people want to be affiliated with your brand? Or would it be a label they would cut off their T-Shirt out of embarrassment?
Would you be the unreliable, cheap Dollar Store brand that is easily disposable and replaced?The friend that can easily be replaced when interest is lost or there is a problem?
Would you be the expensive designer jeans? More concerned with yourself than others, completely superficial and quick to change to the next style, friend etc.
Would you be the reliable old pickup truck? There through thick and thin with friend and family helping to rebuild you time and time again because you have done the same for them and they care that much about you?
It's an interesting question... The GEEPER BRAND... What do you want to be known for? And what are you actually known for? Think about it.
Everything we have today, from the clothes on our backs to the food we consume has a brand name on it, and we tend to trust that those brands will always give us pretty much what we expect. MacDonalds will always give us cheap, easy, unhealthy food. Where ever we see their name it will taste exactly the same every time. Levi's will always give us traditional, hard wearing and relatively moderate priced jeans. Volkswagen will always give us a reliable car. Converse All Stars are always sized the same and last forever. And a Zippo lighter will last for generations.
So if you where a "brand"... What would the way you treat people, the way you take care of yourself, the way you live your life, the way you dress and look etc etc etc... What would all these things say to the world? Would people want to be affiliated with your brand? Or would it be a label they would cut off their T-Shirt out of embarrassment?
Would you be the unreliable, cheap Dollar Store brand that is easily disposable and replaced?The friend that can easily be replaced when interest is lost or there is a problem?
Would you be the expensive designer jeans? More concerned with yourself than others, completely superficial and quick to change to the next style, friend etc.
Would you be the reliable old pickup truck? There through thick and thin with friend and family helping to rebuild you time and time again because you have done the same for them and they care that much about you?
It's an interesting question... The GEEPER BRAND... What do you want to be known for? And what are you actually known for? Think about it.
Gratuitous Hot Chick

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