April 1st... Oh CRAP
OK, I know what you are all thinking this post is about... You are all dead wrong... To 99.99% of the world April 1st means April Fools jokes and all the fun that goes along with it. To the other 0.01% of the population it means in 12 weeks we will be right into the middle of summer, beach weather, shirtless weather, watching babes in short shorts and cut off t-shirt weather... Which means the summer cut must begin.
I've really been putting it off this year. I've been eating clean, but I've been eating a lot. I've been doing a little bit of cardio but far from enough. This morning I wake up after 2 days of eating crap... and I weighed in at 205lbs. That's up 30lbs since last summer when my transformation pics where taken.
Wait, don't get me wrong! I haven't turned into the Pilbury Dough Boy again. Sure I'm 205, but I'm MUCH stronger than I was even 4 months ago, I've put a lot of muscle on over this winter. And... Truth be told, even at 205lbs I'm still fitting into size 32 waist jeans just fine.
But... My abs have disappeared once again... Time to start letting them out for summer.
The plan-
-Start tracking everything a little closer. I think I'm eating 2600-3000 calories a day right now, but I'll start back in at Fitday.com (HOLY CRAP, they changed the site around.. Time to see what's different) and see what I'm really eating. I know I loose weight around 1800 calories. That's a pretty low figure for an active man, and it's one of the things I hate about my thyroid disease. I talk to guys all the time who cut on 3000 calories! I wish!
-My cheats have to get under control! A bucket of KFC and a dozen doughnuts every Sunday is just WAY TOO MUCH! Gotta start cutting that back to maybe 1/2 a dozen doughnuts, then maybe just 3... and maybe by July when the 6 pack is back I'll be happy with just one doughnut or maybe I'll be strong enough to just get a coffee with nothing else.
-Cardio has to come into play. Gotta get on that. For me there's no way around it. Some folks can do it with just diet and weight lifting. I can control my weight doing that and stay healthy, but for a 6 pack I gotta do my cardio. Jogging and running are the only two that have given me results time and time again. I used to spend almost an hour every day on an elliptical machine going full out with very little results, switched to running and there was a huge change. I might try some skipping again this year though.
That's basically it to start. As the weeks go by my diet gets more and more fine tuned with less cheating and my cardio will become more and more intense with more sessions... but to start off that's a pretty good plan.
BTW- This summer I plan on having 3 sets of pics up. My original fatty ones, last summer's cut ones and this summer's cut. Hopefully there will be even more improvement over last years.
I've really been putting it off this year. I've been eating clean, but I've been eating a lot. I've been doing a little bit of cardio but far from enough. This morning I wake up after 2 days of eating crap... and I weighed in at 205lbs. That's up 30lbs since last summer when my transformation pics where taken.
Wait, don't get me wrong! I haven't turned into the Pilbury Dough Boy again. Sure I'm 205, but I'm MUCH stronger than I was even 4 months ago, I've put a lot of muscle on over this winter. And... Truth be told, even at 205lbs I'm still fitting into size 32 waist jeans just fine.
But... My abs have disappeared once again... Time to start letting them out for summer.
The plan-
-Start tracking everything a little closer. I think I'm eating 2600-3000 calories a day right now, but I'll start back in at Fitday.com (HOLY CRAP, they changed the site around.. Time to see what's different) and see what I'm really eating. I know I loose weight around 1800 calories. That's a pretty low figure for an active man, and it's one of the things I hate about my thyroid disease. I talk to guys all the time who cut on 3000 calories! I wish!
-My cheats have to get under control! A bucket of KFC and a dozen doughnuts every Sunday is just WAY TOO MUCH! Gotta start cutting that back to maybe 1/2 a dozen doughnuts, then maybe just 3... and maybe by July when the 6 pack is back I'll be happy with just one doughnut or maybe I'll be strong enough to just get a coffee with nothing else.
-Cardio has to come into play. Gotta get on that. For me there's no way around it. Some folks can do it with just diet and weight lifting. I can control my weight doing that and stay healthy, but for a 6 pack I gotta do my cardio. Jogging and running are the only two that have given me results time and time again. I used to spend almost an hour every day on an elliptical machine going full out with very little results, switched to running and there was a huge change. I might try some skipping again this year though.
That's basically it to start. As the weeks go by my diet gets more and more fine tuned with less cheating and my cardio will become more and more intense with more sessions... but to start off that's a pretty good plan.
BTW- This summer I plan on having 3 sets of pics up. My original fatty ones, last summer's cut ones and this summer's cut. Hopefully there will be even more improvement over last years.
Gratuitous Hot Chick

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