
Sunday, August 20

Terry Fox Run Update #1

WOW, what a great response so far, a month to go and I've already collected $65 in pledges. That's probably twice as much as I was ever able to collect when I was in elementary school doing it as a school walk every year, and I'm not some cute little 10 year old anymore. Well, I was never that cute, might explain why I wasn't able to raise much back then....

I was actually remembering those walks again today, and I realized I was there walking in the very first Terry Fox Run. We thought it was a good excuse to miss class at the time, but who knew we'd be starting a yearly tradition, that is now world wide, and that is working towards one of the most important things for all humanity right now, a cure for cancer.

So how's the training going?
Well, I ran yesterday and feel much more confident now. I used this cool Google tool (you'd like this Paul) to work out a few 10K routes and simply choose one. I really didn't want to do it at 5:30am, but it was the only time I would be able to do it yesterday. The fact that friends and family where starting to pledge me kind of made me realize I couldn't let those folks down, so I got up and started putting one foot in front of the other before the sun was even up. (I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed, and quite honestly it was totally the fact that folks had pledged me that got me out and on my feet)

The first 40 minutes where fairly strong (other than the recurring urge to throw up) but at that 40 minute mark I just broke mentally and started doing walking intervals. I'd do 2 minutes walking and then 5-7 minutes running. I was completely surprised I was able to run the first 40 minutes without stopping though. I really think it was just a mental "slip". I had good tunes going, wasn't really any more tired than I had been, was breathing pretty good and was actually moving down hill! My mind just flicked a switch in there and I started walking.

So what did I learn yesterday? After completing my 10K route in 1 hour I realized this is completely do-able. All I have to focus on now is getting my cardio conditioning to a place where I don't stop to walk at all during the course of the run and then slowly increase my pace bit by bit.

I ended up running again today! Not my plan to do it everyday as my body needs time to recover, but the opportunity arose and I took it. Today I did the same 10K in the same time, even with my arthritis acting up really badly. (I'm learning to love Advil) and tonight I'll take my brother out for a 5K just to really push myself before taking a day or two off to rest. (Side not- ran past my old school friends The Trailer Park Boys a few times today, they were filming an episode less than a block from my house)

Rest tomorrow... Well, I'll do some weights, but NO RUNNING! I've got to figure out a way to stay hydrated while I'm out there without having a bottle in my hands, I just can't stand running with a water bottle. I also need to do some editing on my mp3 player, some songs just don't work and throw my pace WAY off.

I'll keep ya's updated.... Thanks again to all those supporting me!!!!!!


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