And Thus Endeth The First Competition...
So last night was it the end of our first fitness competition. (Lost? Don't know what the fuck I'm talking about? Here's the original post about it) So who won??? Well, C's back has been acting up, (sciatic nerve shit, anyone know how to relieve sciatic nerve pain? or at least help with it?) he was out of commission, so it was really only between me and S.
S went first and pounded out 47 sit ups, which fuckin blew my mind considering he was only able to do 15 sit ups 3 weeks ago. That's amazing process and I think it shows that this competition thing is actually working as a great motivator for us all. Just awesome progress! C had started at around 25-30 sit ups 3 weeks ago, so I would be interested to see what he could have gotten up to if his back hadn't fucked him up.
I followed up after S and pounded out 50 sit ups and I was regretting taking it easy on the sit ups for the last week. (I was also regretting the 2 honey crullers I had on my way over) By the time I hit 40 reps I was slowing down big time. Sure it looked like I could have done another 50 guys, but I was slowing down and fatiguing really quickly after 40. If you guys had hit 60-70 I think it might have been pretty even odds as to who the winner was going to be.
So C was the biggest "loser" this month and got to choose the next comp... Who can lower their body fat% the most. They've got me on this one. I'm in the middle of my winter bulk packing it on and eating and lifting like a Viking. Come April/May we might end up doing "Who can lower their body fat% the most part 2" and at that point I'd be pretty serious about winning, but for this one I'm just gonna keep eating lots, eating clean and see what happens. I'm putting my money on S winning this one, he has the most to loose and just getting into serious exercise. It wouldn't shock me if he looses 5-7% of his body fat. C had the lowest BF% and thinks he's gonna win, but as your BF% lowers it becomes MUCH harder to drop any of it. I was running around 15%... ouch.
May the best man win on February 6th...
S went first and pounded out 47 sit ups, which fuckin blew my mind considering he was only able to do 15 sit ups 3 weeks ago. That's amazing process and I think it shows that this competition thing is actually working as a great motivator for us all. Just awesome progress! C had started at around 25-30 sit ups 3 weeks ago, so I would be interested to see what he could have gotten up to if his back hadn't fucked him up.
I followed up after S and pounded out 50 sit ups and I was regretting taking it easy on the sit ups for the last week. (I was also regretting the 2 honey crullers I had on my way over) By the time I hit 40 reps I was slowing down big time. Sure it looked like I could have done another 50 guys, but I was slowing down and fatiguing really quickly after 40. If you guys had hit 60-70 I think it might have been pretty even odds as to who the winner was going to be.
So C was the biggest "loser" this month and got to choose the next comp... Who can lower their body fat% the most. They've got me on this one. I'm in the middle of my winter bulk packing it on and eating and lifting like a Viking. Come April/May we might end up doing "Who can lower their body fat% the most part 2" and at that point I'd be pretty serious about winning, but for this one I'm just gonna keep eating lots, eating clean and see what happens. I'm putting my money on S winning this one, he has the most to loose and just getting into serious exercise. It wouldn't shock me if he looses 5-7% of his body fat. C had the lowest BF% and thinks he's gonna win, but as your BF% lowers it becomes MUCH harder to drop any of it. I was running around 15%... ouch.
May the best man win on February 6th...
Gratuitous Hot Chick

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