
Thursday, September 28

Muay Thai

So last night was my second class... You know how you sometimes try something, get a certain impression of it in your head, try it a second time and find out you were wrong... Well, I wasn't wrong about Muay Thai... It's VERY physically demanding. Of all the physical things I've done in my life, including the last 3 years of hard daily workouts, both of these Muay Thai classes I've been to rank up there in the top 5 most physically demanding things I've ever done. There is a really good reason why everyone coming in for the intermediate class after my beginner's class is quite young and just ripped... you have to be to survive the classes.

Muay Thai or Thai boxing is the traditional self defence art of Thailand and is more than 2000 years old. (BTW- if I get any of this wrong drop me a line) Where most martial arts would only use the hand and feet as weapons, Muay Thai uses the hands, elbows, knees, shins and feet (traditionally even head buts) in simple, straightforward and very effective moves. There are no "forms" or routines as in most martial arts and no belts. There are no techniques that take years to learn. It is the closest thing to being in a real stand up fight as opposed to being in a "sport fight" or a "match". Even in training you never punch or kick air, there is always full contact made to a pad or a bag. It is always, 100% of the time training you for combat, which is why cardio and endurance is so important.

So far I'm loving it, and it's beating the hell out of me...


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