Words To Live By- Part 1
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
In North America we grow up and are taught by everything around us that "Things" make us happy and that we wont be happy till we have all the "things" we want and that's just wrong.
In my life I've known a millionaire or two, lots of VERY well off people, lots of middle-class folks and a good share of people on welfare, and it seems from my experience that the further up the "food chain" you go doesn't necessarily find happier people... in fact, most "well off" people I've met seem to have no time to enjoy anything at all. It's all about making more money and getting more things and the more things you have the more you seem obsessed with this need for more and more. (It's also surprising that the more money people make, the more they seem to complain about having no money.)
In general all of us in North America have it pretty fucking good... sure, we might whine a lot, but honestly we have it awesome... Swallow some of these figures....
- If you have at least one set of clothes on, anything at all in your fridge, a roof overhead and a place to sleep... you are richer than 75% of the world.
- If you have $1 in the bank, $1 in your wallet and a few coins in a change dish you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthiest people
- If you have never been in battle, imprison, tortured or starving you are doing better than 500 million people in the world today.
MAJOR EDITS- I really cut this post down a lot so as to not offend anyone and not to sound preachy... once I came to terms with this comcept, life become much happier for me
Again, it's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got... I think that's gonna be my next tattoo. It's a powerful, important message for my son to see and learn. I tried to get things I thought would make me happy most of my life, when I already had everything I needed all around me... Think about itGratuitous hot (extremely airbrushed) chick of the day
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