
Sunday, October 2

It Takes A Lot Of Work

My wife was watching this insane show on TV the other night as I crawled into bed. (I'm not allowed to walk around here, I must crawl around the Queen... just kidding honey!)

1072 lbs man! (There are full body nude pics, but they are just waaaaay too disgusting to post)

Now I'm not going to crap on him for working at loosing the weight or even the by-pass surgery... But... It takes a lot of work to get to that size and let yourself go that badly... And it takes a very insane wife to let the one you love get to that point.

It's not like he woke up and said "Oh, crap! I'm fat!" He put on the weight over years and years, but the fact is that at 1072 lbs, even just to maintain his body weight, he would have to take in at least 12,000 calories a day! And completely unable to even get out of bed, who was handing him the food as he laid there everyday? His wife.

Now if your significant other walked in and said, "Hey, baby.. I just swallowed 400 Tylenol caps", you'd have them to the hospital in minutes. Or if they said "Hey, Baby... I'm gonna throw this loaded gun around the room for a while" or "Hey, baby... I'm gonna start eating rat poison all the time" or "Hey, babe... I'm gonna start driving the car blindfolded" you'd do something to stop them or get them help. This guys wife shopped for his groceries, cooked them and handed them to him. He wasn't able to get out of bed, so she could have put him on a diet at anytime (at least till he could get up and start getting food for himself) but she never did.

Like most parents of obese children she said she wasn't going to deprive him and if it fit into the grocery budget she would get it for him. You know, sometimes a little deprivation is good for the soul and even better for your health.... "Hey baby.. I'm gonna start eating rat poison all the time.. now once I get pretty sick, you just keep buying it and bringing it to my bedside... no matter how sick I get, you just keep bringing it ....thanks... Hey... I'm done this box can you run out the the store and get 3 or 4 more????" Sounds crazy when it's "poison", but not when it's hamburgers and pop for a 1,000 lb man?

Not only was he that big... but when the ambulance got there he had blood, dirt and feces under his fingernails and the bed he was on was soaked with fluid because he skin was too stretched to contain even simple body fluids anymore. That's just gross...

So what does that 12,000 calories he would need daily to maintain that weight look like anyways???

22 Super large sized MacDonald's fries are 12,000 calories
40 Microwave diners are 12,000 calories
5 gallons of raw oats (about 10 gallons cooked) is 12,000 calories
55 cups of rice is 12,000 calories
50 donuts is 12,000 calories
155 cups of Special K is 12,000 calories
60 cans of tuna is 12,000 calories (that would be roughly 4 every waking hour of the day)
50 hamburgers is 12,000 calories
50 hot dogs is 12,000 calories
120 bananas is 12,000 calories

Does that help to put 12,000 calories into perspective? And he ate at least 12,000 calories EVERYDAY. Like all these shows they played it like it was a sad story... but look at that list again... that is a lot of fucking food! They never once listed what he had ate during the run of a day when he was 1,000 lbs, and with good reason. They can make people feel sorry for him when they see a guy who can't even get out of bed, but if they had reported the insane amount of food he ate each day there would be no sympathy.. people would just be disgusted at what a pig he was.

And like most obese people they claimed he didn't eat more or even different than the average person... Well, considering he was 1000 fuckin pounds AND suffering from malnutrition (Oh, I forgot to mention that... the Dr mentioned that even with 12,000 calories a day he was eating almost 0 protein a day... how is that even possible???), I'd say his diet was a little different than most people.

It's great he lost some weight and the surgery helped... but please don't tell us it wasn't your fault, you ate normal etc, cause that's just bullshit... and since the show apparently his wife has also had by-pass surgery... and they both never ate more or any different than anyone else... BULLSHIT!

Gratuitous hot chick


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