
Sunday, September 18

Sauna Belt

So I get up this morning and I have 5 minutes to kill before I have to get my son up... 5 minutes isn't time to do much so I turn the devil on (TV)... Quite honestly I can't believe what I am seeing... It's 1975 all over again...

Dumb Ass

The Sauna Belt... "Yes, you can loose inches and get six-pack abs by.... doing nothing... Just put on the Sauna Belt and... do nothing..." This is what they are actually saying throughout the commercial. They are showing people with bodies that would have taken years to build, wearing these dumb ass belts and pretending they wear them everyday... When you know they never saw these dumb belts before the day they showed up on the set of this commercial.

1970's Original Sauna Belt

The testimonials are pretty funny too... "I lost 2" in 50 minutes" ... Sure strap something 5 sizes way too small around your waist and heat it for 50 minutes and your waist will seem smaller for the first 2 or 3 minutes... (It's funny because when they show them being measured you can still see the marks from the belt...) ... but wait 10 minutes and drink a glass of water to replace the sweat you've lost (it's called dehydration) and you're back to the same size.

Then they talk to the long term users.... "I've lost 7 1/2 lbs and 2 ""... If that's the best results you can show on the info-commercial after weeks and weeks of use... Well, that's just sad... Send them my way and with a little exercise a couple times a week and eating right you could loose a lot more than that and in a lot less time... And it wouldn't cost you... get this.... $100 Canadian!!!

OK, so I know working out consistently is a hard thing to do, and I know eating healthy can be a big change for most people... but are people really this fucking stupid??? Really??? Are people this fuckin stupid??? Tell me, I don't know... Are people this fucking stupid??? I know people want to look good and be healthy and want it all the modern American way (quick and cheap with no work involved) but really..... Are people really this fucking stupid???

I've seen and read a lot about fitness over the years and it seems it's all about the quick fix... The least amount of work... the easiest exercises... the miracle supplement... the miracle machine... the "secret" to a fit body... How to get big in 6 weeks... How to get a 6-pack in 6 weeks... Its all bullshit people! It takes work and dedication to get in shape, it's hard to do... If it was easy 60+ percent of North American wouldn't be fat. All these snake oil salesmen do is trivialize the amount of work people who are actually in shape do.

Sorry... but just fuck off with all this garbage and stop stealing people's money selling them false promises... And people... Get off your asses and move... you'll lose weight, feel better, live longer and have a better quality of life! Who wants to live for years and years if all you do is look at a TV? Trust me, someday you'll be in a hospital bed dying and watching more TV from your bed than you ever wanted to.

Gratuitous hot chick (who never used a Sauna belt)


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