And Now In Britney News
Look... Jessica, Christina, even Lindsey Lohan... and Paris you aren't even in the same league.... try as you might, you simply can't out-skank my gal Britney.
Big news this morning... Britney and her backup dancer (I refuse to acknowledge their marriage) have released a press statement that one of their employees is "blackmailing" them with a video tape. This was a tape from their personal collection that this employee stole and then made copies of.... The employee wants money or they are going to release it...
So what's on the tape????
I'll give you one guess... But this story gets even better... this is not your standard Hollywood sex tape... Oh, no... Britney is knocked up on this tape.... This is Kevin and *pregnant* Britney knocking boots.
What I really don't understand is why famous people seem to have this obsession with video taping themselves having sex. Fred Durst, Paris Hilton, Chyna, R Kelly, Colin Farrell, Rob Lowe, Tom Sizemore, Tonya Harding, Pam and Tommy, Pam and Bret and so on and so on.... (and those are only a few of the few that have surfaced!).... The average Joe doing it, I can understand.... It's risky, a thrill, memories, home made porn etc but when you're famous you know people are going to sell it the second they get their hands on it. Why would you risk it?
But... What I REALLY REALL REALLY I don't get is this tape... "Hey baby... The baby's not kicking right now and I'm feeling a little romantic... turn on the spot lights and start the camera rolling I'm gonna rock your world... " Yes, Britney has truly crossed the line into white trash... but that's OK, I live here most the time.
Parents around the world were far from happy when they found out she smoked. Then there was the booze. Then there was the 24 hour marriage. Then there was her begging her hubby for sex on her TV show... and now the Britney sex tapes... if they taped themselves with her knocked up you know there's a whole home library of tapes that will leak out year after year....
PS- Word of warning... in doing this I went to her official site.. it open with a pic of her and hubby kissing... GROSS me out!
Big news this morning... Britney and her backup dancer (I refuse to acknowledge their marriage) have released a press statement that one of their employees is "blackmailing" them with a video tape. This was a tape from their personal collection that this employee stole and then made copies of.... The employee wants money or they are going to release it...
So what's on the tape????
I'll give you one guess... But this story gets even better... this is not your standard Hollywood sex tape... Oh, no... Britney is knocked up on this tape.... This is Kevin and *pregnant* Britney knocking boots.
What I really don't understand is why famous people seem to have this obsession with video taping themselves having sex. Fred Durst, Paris Hilton, Chyna, R Kelly, Colin Farrell, Rob Lowe, Tom Sizemore, Tonya Harding, Pam and Tommy, Pam and Bret and so on and so on.... (and those are only a few of the few that have surfaced!).... The average Joe doing it, I can understand.... It's risky, a thrill, memories, home made porn etc but when you're famous you know people are going to sell it the second they get their hands on it. Why would you risk it?
But... What I REALLY REALL REALLY I don't get is this tape... "Hey baby... The baby's not kicking right now and I'm feeling a little romantic... turn on the spot lights and start the camera rolling I'm gonna rock your world... " Yes, Britney has truly crossed the line into white trash... but that's OK, I live here most the time.
Parents around the world were far from happy when they found out she smoked. Then there was the booze. Then there was the 24 hour marriage. Then there was her begging her hubby for sex on her TV show... and now the Britney sex tapes... if they taped themselves with her knocked up you know there's a whole home library of tapes that will leak out year after year....
PS- Word of warning... in doing this I went to her official site.. it open with a pic of her and hubby kissing... GROSS me out!
Gratuitous hot chick
(Britney of course)

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