
Monday, January 22

FUNK! Part 2 (Part 1 must have been last year)

I'm looking through my old blog entries and have to chuckle at myself that it was almost a year to the day that I was in this same state of mind last year, and even, (if I look back even farther) the year before that it was the same thing.

Yes, I've officially hit that mid-winter slump, that shitty late January FUNK... aka, "the winter blues".

Everything has become a great effort. Getting up, getting dressed, shaving, preparing meals... Don't even talk about stuff like getting groceries, the concept is like climbing the Himalayas to me right now. I'm sleeping more and spending way too much time on this machine, not really doing anything, but just randomly surfing around.

I know it's only temporary and will go away as time goes on. In part it's being trapped inside most the time. The shorter days and less sunlight has an effect on me as well. Then there's the cold, that always fucks up my thyroid disease and then my body and mind just doesn't work right.

It's time to officially switch to auto-pilot and just put my head down and keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going to the gym. Keep eating right. Keep taking care of myself so I can take care of others. Keep going.

In a month or 2 I'll be back to that annoying guy who thinks he can do anything (and thinks everyone else can, if they apply themselves) and I take comfort in knowing that. More than ever my son is the reason for doing everything, he's my sunlight, my joy... He's the light at the end of this tunnel.


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